Sunday, June 26, 2016

Bacon, Tomato, Green Onion & Cheddar Quiche

On Sundays I get up early, like 6am early to drive my son to work as transit (skytrain) doesn't operate at this time, on this day.  I got home, was looking at facebook and a memory popped up of mine showing me an "amuse-bouche quiche tart".  So, I decided to make some quiche.  I'm a cheater at this and I always use Pillsbury refrigerated pie dough.  I took it out and let it come to room temperature, about 20 minutes.  I preheated my oven to 375°F.  My ingredients were:

  • 2 half inch strips of double-smoked slab bacon, diced and fried till barely crisp
  • 4 green onions, chopped
  • 1/2 pint of organic grape tomatoes, quartered
  • 4 free range eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 cup of liquid egg whites
  • 1 cup 2% milk (normally I would use cream but didn't have any)
  • 1 cup grated Old Crackerbarrel cheddar
  • kosher salt
  • fresh cracked pepper
  • small handful of parsley, chopped
I put my dough in the pie plate, on a foil lined baking sheet.  

I poked holes with a fork in the bottom and crimped the edges down with a fork.

I diced/fried the bacon and chopped the scallions and tomatoes.  I whisked the egg mixture together with some S&P.

Then all the ingredients, parsley too, went into the pie shell.  

The cheese went in next.

I poured the eggs in last.

I set the timer for 45 minutes and popped it in the oven.  I could hear some crows going crazy outside (last time it happened was because a cat killed one) but I didn't want to close the windows because the oven was heating up the house.  It was going to be warm today, I could tell...So I sat waiting for my quiche listening to the LOUD squawking and watching "Giada" on Food Network (I know - the horrors of it all!).  I had a "Bailey's Coffee" so I could cope.

The timer dinged and out it came.  I always smile when I see quiche come out of the oven.  To me it looks so beautiful.  I set my timer again for 30 minutes so I could rest it before cutting it.

I had a slice and particularly enjoyed the tomatoes as this was the first time I have used them.  I think they exuded too much liquid so I would probably strip out the seeds & innards next time.  I think, because of that, the dough on the bottom could have been a little more done.  In hindsight, I probably should have cooked the dough, alone for 10 minutes first.  I put it back in the oven for 15 more minutes and then it was good.  I also missed the cream as well.

I then heard my bed calling me.  The best thing about weekends are NAPS!