Saturday, June 11, 2016

Tomato Tarte Tatin

I've made this a couple of times before.  This is a really tasty dish and looks like a lot of work, though it really isn't.  Below is a picture of the first time I made it with blue cheese.

I got this recipe from "The Chew".
  • 1 lb sliced Heirloom Tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp Unsalted Butter
  • 1 tsp Thyme leaves
  • 2 tbsp Breadcrumbs
  • 1 Red Onion (sliced in rings)
  • 1/4 cup crumbled Blue Cheese
  • 1 thawed sheet Puff Pastry
  • 3 tbsp Olive Oil
  • Salt & Pepper
I use a cast iron pan to cook this and a package of Tenderflake Puff Pastry from the frozen section of the grocery store.  I used Vidalia onion (in season and I LOVE them) today and Canadian smoked Gorgonzola cheese.  I have mixed feelings (not a big fan of the majority of them) over "smoked" cheeses but it was on sale so I thought I'd give it a try.  I didn't have heirloom tomatoes either, so I used vine ripened.

The first thing I did was slice the tomatoes.  I seasoned them with kosher salt (I always use Diamond Crystal - I buy it in the 3 lb box) and freshly cracked pepper (I'm not as picky on my peppercorns, I just use black).  I put them on a rack for 30 minutes as the recipe said and then patted them dry.

I cut my onions in half circles.  I sauteed them in the cast iron pan with some unsalted butter and olive oil until almost brown.

I added in the thyme and then removed from the heat.  I crumbled the cheese and added.

I layered the tomatoes over and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. I used panko for the breadcrumbs and sprinkled it over top.  I preheated the oven to 425°F at this point.

I rolled out the puff pastry to the size of the frying pan and then laid the puffed pastry over top, tucking the edges in that didn't fit .

Into the oven it went and 30 minutes later, I took it out.  I asked my son to help flip it out of the pan with me onto a plate.

Voila!  I garnished with more Gorgonzola and fresh thyme.

I served this with some prawns (lemon & garlic).  I sauteed these while the Tatin rested.  This dinner was PDG (pretty damn good)!  Next time I make it will be with Gruyere cheese and hopefully heirloom tomatoes when I see them in my grocery store...My son doesn't like tomatoes, he tolerates them and he enjoys this dish a lot.

August 18, 2018:

I used fresh, local tomatoes from the Farmer's Market today and was blown away how amazingly delicious this was!  I used a local raw milk cheese as well.  I think I will always make this when fresh (not hot house) tomatoes are in season.  Just WOW!

August 24, 2019:

Fresh local heirloom tomatoes today, red and yellow and back to blue cheese with Walla Walla onion.  DIVINE!!!  😋

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