Friday, May 12, 2023

Grilled Romaine with Bagna Cauda & Spicy Shrimp

I saw this and knew I had to make it.  Chef Petroni said this bagna cauda recipe was Argentinian.  I just cleaned my grill/smoker and got it ready for the season.  My friend was coming to pressure wash my deck and she adores anchovies so I decided this would be perfect for lunch.  She has some allergies so I made quinoa breadcrumbs instead of the recipe below though I added the sesame seeds and Italian seasoning.  A note about the quinoa breadcrumb recipe, it sure didn't take 20 minutes at 200°F to get crispy.  After 40 minutes and nothing, I turned it up to 275°F for another HOUR.  The last 15 minutes I cranked the oven to 400°F.  What I used today:

Monday, May 8, 2023

Slow Roasted Crispy Pork Belly

I got a good deal on pork belly at the grocery store ($13!) so searched for a suitable recipe and came up with this one.  I've tinkered with tiny pieces of pork belly with no recipes; and had mixed results.  I needed to follow a guideline so I didn't waste my time or the meat.  I had to adjust the cooking time as my pork was double the size as the recipe and I just guessed at it.  What I used: