Friday, May 12, 2023

Grilled Romaine with Bagna Cauda & Spicy Shrimp

I saw this and knew I had to make it.  Chef Petroni said this bagna cauda recipe was Argentinian.  I just cleaned my grill/smoker and got it ready for the season.  My friend was coming to pressure wash my deck and she adores anchovies so I decided this would be perfect for lunch.  She has some allergies so I made quinoa breadcrumbs instead of the recipe below though I added the sesame seeds and Italian seasoning.  A note about the quinoa breadcrumb recipe, it sure didn't take 20 minutes at 200°F to get crispy.  After 40 minutes and nothing, I turned it up to 275°F for another HOUR.  The last 15 minutes I cranked the oven to 400°F.  What I used today:

 Bagna Cauda:

  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 10 anchovies (80 grams jar)
  • 5 cloves garlic, microplaned
  • 1 stick (8 tablespoons) grass-fed butter, melted
  • 2 cups seasoned Italian breadcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds, crushed in mortar & pestle

  • 18 (21-25 count) peeled and deveined shrimp
  • 1 heaping tablespoon Calabrian chili crunch 
  • 2 lemons, zested
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • Extra-virgin olive oil, as needed
  • 3 romaine hearts, cut in half lengthwise
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • Parmigiana-Reggiano cheese, freshly grated, for serving

For the bagna cauda:  In a saucepan, add the heavy cream, milk, anchovies and garlic. Bring almost to a boil then turn it right down.  Simmer on very, very low heat for 1 hour whisking occasionally. (The anchovies will melt into the sauce.)

For the breadcrumbs: Meanwhile, add the butter to a medium sauté pan over medium heat and cook until browned and starting to foam, about 2 minutes. Put the breadcrumbs in a bowl and add the melted butter. Add the sesame seeds to a mortar and pestle and grind to a fine dust. Add to the breadcrumbs and mix well; set aside.

For the shrimp: Marinate the shrimp in a bowl with the chili crunch, lemon zest, garlic and 2 tablespoons olive oil for 30 minutes at room temperature or 1 hour in the fridge.  Just before going on grill, toss juice of one squeezed lemon in.

Brush the romaine hearts with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. 

On high, grill both the romaine and the shrimp until charred, about 2 minutes per side.  I double-skewered my shrimp for easier grilling.

Spoon the bagna cauda onto a large plate, then add the grilled romaine, fresh cracked pepper, shrimp, more bagna cauda, squeezed lemon and a generous pile of breadcrumbs.  

I put some Parmesan in ramekins and offered it on the side for use if desired.  As this was so similar to Caesar salad, it just seemed fitting.

WOWZA!  This was soooo tasty!  I'm often not too excited when I first taste my cooking but this was an exception.  It hit all the right notes in every department.  Texture contrasts on point.  Salty, tangy, spicy and even sweet from the cream.  My friend said if this was in a restaurant she'd order it every time.  Everyone cleaned their plates.  A true success!

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