Sunday, February 10, 2019

Maple Syrup Pecan Glazed Sticky Buns

I saw a show on Food Network which featured Pennsylvania-Dutch Amish sticky buns made with potato flakes and they looked fantastic.  So, I found a recipe that used potato flakes and made them.  I have never baked anything like this before except out of a Pillsbury tube, so this was new.  I made them for my son.  I used:

  • 2 1/2 teaspoons instant yeast (I used 1 package which was 8 grams)
  • 1 1/8 cups lukewarm water
  • 3 cups Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
  • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons salt
  • 1/4 cup nonfat dry milk (I used skim milk powder)
  • 1/2 cup instant mashed potato flakes
  • 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
  • 1 cup diced pecans (I used a mallet on mine in a ziploc baggy and probably used more nuts than a cup, I didn't measure)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
I've never used the "dough" setting on my KitchenAid mixer so this would be the day!  Let's be honest, I can only remember making a pie dough once (by hand) and it was over twenty years ago now... As I think about retirement, I intend to use the mixer more then, to make baked goods and pasta, etc...Anyway, I was happy to have the mixer do all the work today!

I put the dough hook on and put all the ingredients in the mixer.  I kneaded for 7 minutes on speed number 2.  I had to use a spatula and push down the flour on the sides once about midway through.  As I am such an inexperienced baker, I hoped the dough looked like it was supposed to, as I had no idea if it did - not a clue.

I put this into a lightly greased bowl (cooking spray) and covered with a tea towel.  I set it aside to let it rise for 2 hours.  After 3 hours, I realized the dough didn't rise, it looked exactly as above.  😢  My house was chilly today (-6°C outside when I started early this morning), so I just warmed the oven and put it in there to see if it would work...Nope.  So, last effort, I read online that I could add more yeast.  I bloomed another packet in a half cup of water first this time, then put the blob back in the mixer with it.  I had to add equal amount of flour back in with the liquid (1/2 cup).  Then I covered with saran wrap this time and put it back in the warmed oven.  After a half hour I peeked, and it was rising!!! Yay!!!!  I looked outside and it was snowing and sticking now.  Anyway, the dough doubled in size.

About the glaze - the recipe said to just put it in the pans, but all I had was visions of stuck gloppy, molten hot syrup that wouldn't come out and would destroy the cheap cake pans.

So, I used parchment paper on the bottom first, and then used cooking spray before I put the glaze down.  I wanted to be sure there was sticky goo on the buns, not the pan.  I was kind of paranoid now too, after my dough fiasco...

I mixed all the ingredients together and spread it out, halving the amount in each pan. I punched my dough down on a floured surface and kneaded it until smooth (only needed to do this a couple of times), I pressed it out into a rectangle and then rolled it.  The light is really bad for my pictures when I use this side of my counter.  🤔

I sprinkled the filling mixture over leaving an inch at the end untouched.

I rolled the dough into a log.  I used a pastry cutter that had a ruler on it to slice them into even 1 and 1/2 inch rounds.  I got 12 good ones and then 2 end pieces on each side.

I put those ones in the middle of the pans.

I covered with saran wrap again for its second rising (2 hours again).  Again YAY, they swelled and filled the pan!  I was thrilled when I saw that, I cannot lie...

I preheated the oven to 350°F.  I put these in for a half hour.  About half way in the house smelled wonderful.  I used a thermometer to make sure they were 190°F.  The last last thing I wanted was doughy buns.

Immediately, when they were done, I took a butter knife and loosened them from the sides though they were not stuck at all.  I inverted them onto racks.  There was lots of glaze (about 1/4 of the glaze, especially around the sides) stuck on the parchment paper though, so I was happy I used it.  I spread it with the butter knife, over the buns.

My son LOVED them, especially hot right out of the oven.  I don't know if they were good, as I can't even remember the last time I ate one.  I'll trust him.  They sure looked and smelled like heaven.

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