Saturday, September 4, 2021

Tomato Tart with Corn, Caramelized Onions and Blue Cheese

Every tomato season, I always make Tomato Tarte Tatin.  Today, I decided to try a spin on it as there was fresh, local corn at the market so I decided to incorporate it.  I ended up making this up as I went along.  What I used:

  • 397 grams box of puff pastry, thawed
  • 1 ear of fresh organic local corn, stripped off cob
  • 2 pints local cherry/Sungold tomatoes
  • 1 "Pink Lady" tomato sliced thinly
  • Fresh, extra-creamy blue cheese, to taste and for garnish
  • 1 large sweet onion, caramelized
  • Good quality balsamic vinegar, as needed
  • Fresh thyme leaves, stripped off stems, to taste
  • Organic extra-virgin olive oil, as needed
  • Kosher salt & fresh cracked pepper, to taste

I bought this gadget by Oxo which strips the corn of the stalk and it worked like a hot damn!  At 425°F I roasted the tomatoes and corn in a little olive oil and S&P for 25 minutes.  For the last 5 minutes, I swirled in a little balsamic vinegar and took them out to cool.

I caramelized the onion while the above was roasting and finished with a splash of balsamic and S&P.  

I rolled out the puff pastry on parchment paper on a large baking sheet.  I docked the dough with a fork.  I preheated the oven again to 400°F this time.  

I spread the onions around evenly, then the roasted tomatoes in corn.  I drained these so it wouldn't be so wet.  Don't ask if I drank that juice, lol.  Next I put the sliced tomatoes over top.  I seasoned with pepper and then crumbled blue cheese over.  I finished with fresh thyme.  I brushed the edges with olive oil.

This went into the oven for 20 minutes.  I garnished with a bit more blue cheese and served myself a slice. 

I bet every year I make this I say it's the best ever.  

This was sooooo wonderful!  Caramelized onions, the corn and tomatoes were the sweetness.  The balsamic gave a needed acidity punch.  The blue cheese gave a nice salty, sharp note.  The thyme and pepper rounded it all out.  Superb!!!   

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