Friday, January 20, 2023

Cheesy Jalapeño Beer Bread

I saw this recipe and thought I'd make it since it looked so easy.  What I used:

  • 3 cups self rising flour (I used 3 cups unbleached all-purpose and 6 teaspoons baking powder, sifted)
  • 3 tablespoons organic sugar
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 355 ml local lager beer
  • 1 cup extra old white cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1 cup extra old white cheddar cheese, cubed small
  • 2 jalapeño peppers, sliced in rings
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, divided, melted
I preheated the oven to 350°F and coated a loaf pan with non-stick spray.  I used this silicone one and that was kind of dumb as it expanded when the bread did and looked like a mess.

In a mixing bowl, I combined the self rising flour, sugar, salt, garlic powder and Italian seasoning and whisked to combine.

The beer was poured in and mixed again, until a soft and semi-sticky dough formed.  There was almost too much flour and I really had to get in there with my hands to mix all the flour in. The cheese was added and folded into the dough which was also tough to do with the texture.  Next time I'd all the cheese directly into the flour before mixing.

This went into the prepared loaf pan and I poured 1/2 the butter on and brushed it over the surface.  The jalapeños were laid on top in an even layer.

Into the oven for 60 minutes, until golden brown on top. 

Bread was removed from oven and cooled for about 10 minutes and then removed from stupid loaf pan to a rack.

I brushed the melted butter all over the top and sides of the bread and let it soak in.  

When cooled but still warm, I sliced. 

This was tasty, who knew?!?  I think next time I'd add chopped jalapenos into the dough but other than that for the minimal work required to make it, it was worth it.  The best part was when you got a jalapeno in the bite or the crispy cheesy edges.  Yum.  I think making a grilled cheese sandwich with it would be awesome.

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