Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Rhubarb Pie

I don't bake, so the pie crusts came out of the freezer.

Gazpacho Soup

I make this once a year, usually around this time when tomatoes are super ripe and cheap, and the weather is nice & warm.  Cold soup is always so good when its hot outside.  A co-worker says this dish is his favourite of all the things I make, so I make it for him - this will be the third or fourth year now.  I started, the first time I made it by following Ina Garten's recipe exactly.  Each year, I change the recipe a little and experiment. Last year was awful - for some reason it came out really BITTER.  This year I used:

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Shrimp Stuffed Sole

They had fresh sole on sale at IGA and it looked fabulous.  I decided to recreate a dish I made years ago.  No recipe, couldn't even find anything online that was close.  Basically, it's stuffed sole with a shrimp mixture made in a muffin tin.  For my filling, I used:

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Smoked Turkey Split Pea Soup

This has always been my favourite soup and I've made it since I started cooking.  My dad would always laugh at me because I hated peas (still do), but loved pea soup when he made it.  Of course, it doesn't taste anything like canned green peas does...I can eat fresh peas out of a pod, but I can't even eat frozen ones out of a bag...BLECH.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Toad in the Hole

I was thinking of what to make for Cinco de Mayo and I ended up with British "Toad in the Hole".   :) I've made this before and it didn't turn out so well, so I decided it was time to re-visit it.  I used packaged Yorkshire Pudding mix last time.  This time I decided to make it from scratch.  I've been craving sausages lately, so figured this would take care of that itch.  I bought Freden Fine Foods all natural casings and ingredients ( no additives) mild Italian sausage and decided to wrap each one in a thick slice of bacon.  (I read somewhere that bacon fat helps Yorkshires rise to the occasion).  On another day I might have searched for real British banger sausages, but I simply didn't have the time today...