Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Rhubarb Pie

I don't bake, so the pie crusts came out of the freezer.

When I was a young, young kid, I remember my grandmother making stewed rhubarb for me - and like, LOTS of it, and all the time.  I have memories of liking it with milk and cake...  I don't eat it now, and have NEVER made anything with it or ate it since, but decided I would try a pie since rhubarb is in season and I'm seeing it at the grocery stores.  I used this recipe which looked fine and EASY to me.  My co-worker and I talked about this at work and he said my son would hate it.  :)

I bought rhubarb for $1.99 a lb today, at Urban Fare - which is not a cheap grocery store by any means.  I needed to go there for something else, so just bought it there.  I did check out a cheaper produce place first but they had none.  Anyway, it didn't cost much, just about $3.50.  I was guessing at how much "4 cups" would be...and I think I fell a little short, but it would have to do.

I followed the recipe but added about a teaspoon of cinnamon into the sugar/flour mixture as I saw that in another recipe I looked at and figured it couldn't hurt...Wow, that looked like a lot of sugar, but I knew that rhubarb needed it.  Seeing that much sugar/flour (white death is what I call that) disgusted me...I NEVER cook with that much sugar in anything...

I brushed the first crust with water then crimped the top pie with a fork.  I brushed it all with egg wash and then cut four slits in the top.  I put it in the oven and set the timer for an hour.

When it came out, it smelled and looked good, but I wouldn't know until my son came home from work...

It would sit/rest for an hour & a half before he got home.  The spillage in the picture above on the top left - when I scraped it off and tasted it, it was like candy - sticky, sweet taffy, almost.  I might have made a pie filled with candy!

I tried to make sure it looked nice when I served it to him but it broke and was crumbly.  Therefore, I topped it with his favourite whip cream!!!  And the verdict (I told him none of my own personal thoughts) ???

Son loved it, said it was delicious and perfectly sweet.  He detected the cinnamon and said it offset the sweetness perfectly.  I was happy he liked it.  And, I don't know how long it will be before I make "rhubarb" something again...

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