Monday, December 24, 2018

Dark Chocolate Nut Clusters with Sea Salt

I forgot to buy my son dark chocolates for Christmas and I always do that for him.  However, I do know that the nut ones are always his favorite.  I came across this and based what I did from her recipe.  It was pretty easy, just almonds, pecans and walnuts.  I happened to have all three (from Costco) in my fridge too!  Dip them in melted dark chocolate, stack and when almost cool, sprinkle with Maldon sea salt.

I used 70% cacao.

I didn't know how many to melt, so started with twelve (35 gram) bars and broke them into squares.  I did a bain-marie for them instead of the microwave like she did. I lined a baking sheet with parchment paper.  I counted the nuts ( I used 30 of each) and put them on a plate.

I put the chocolate in a bowl over simmering water on the stove.

The reason I didn't nuke it is because I wanted the chocolate to stay liquefied until I finished.

I stirred with a spatula until melted.  Then I went to work.  With a fork, I coated each of the 3 nuts in chocolate (walnut first, then pecan and lastly almond) and then stacked them into a cluster on the parchment.  I had eight good caramels too, so they got the same treatment.  I almost used all the chocolate.  The remaining I just warmed up in the microwave and drizzled it over ice cream for dessert.

When almost dry, I sprinkled each one with Maldon.  I checked them after a half hour but they were still not melded together, so I put them in the fridge.  A half hour later when I examined, they were set.  I tried to find mini cupcake holders but could only find the regular size so it would have to do.  I also bought Christmas tins from the dollar store for them.

My son loved these and said anyone who didn't would be crazy.  We thought the fridge was the best place to store them as the chocolate seemed to come off on the fingers when eating them.  I read after that I should have "tempered" my chocolate or bought special chocolate that's made for coating.  Next time.  Merry Christmas!!!  🎅🎄

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