Saturday, December 1, 2018

Candy Cane Christmas Sleighs

One year on "facebook", I saw a friend make these with Moritz Icy Squares.  I was fascinated by them.  I thought they were adorable.  Tis the season, and I saw them at Costco so picked them up.  I googled and it said there should be 90 squares in the container, so that gave me 7 to use per sleigh, though I only used 6.

So, this year, I decided to give it a try and would give some out to my co-workers for token Christmas gifts.  I love doing stuff like this but just never do.  I rarely ever do crafts now.  I asked her how she made them, but she couldn't really remember and was vague, so I just looked at a bunch of different ones online and then went to the "Dollar Store" to see what I could find to build the sleighs.  In the end, it cost about $90 to make 12, but that included the chocolates, candy, glue gun, ribbons and whatever else was required.  I saw many online using Kit Kat bars as the base, and I liked that, so I bought those to sit on the 2 candy canes.

I bought my first ever glue gun (mini-low temp).  And I set out to assemble the first sleigh, so I could try it out.

I bought a "glue gun mat" too, and it was actually a good thing as I noticed the gun leaked as it warmed up, so it rolled off the mat once it was dry.

I glued the "Warhead" candy canes to the back side of the Kit Kat bar and let it dry on a dish.  I wasn't sure how long it needed, so I just left it for 10 minutes.  Of course I was testing how strong the glue was a twisted one candy cane out of its paper, so I had to take it off and do another.  That meant I had to buy another box of canes too as I only had enough to make 12 sleighs...Truth is, I'm kind of "perfectionist" when it comes to stuff like this, so next ones had no "bar code" showing on the chocolates, that's for sure..."

I glued the chocolates next (A little dab will do ya).  3 layers of 2 icy squares, a Macintosh caramel candy on one side and a Kerr's "candy cane kiss" on the other side.  I glued a foil choco Santa to the front of the stack.  Ho Ho Ho! 🎄

Then it was all about the ribbon...

I tied some wide ribbon, to re-insure the candy canes and candy pile stayed in tact.  Next I tied some ribbons to the flat ribbon on the chocolates.

I added another green strand and then curled it all.  I had bought these clip on poinsettias at the dollar store, so put one over top of the tied ribbons.

Finally, I took some sparkly pipe cleaners and attached them to Santa's hand to guide the sleigh.

And all done!  Only 11 more to go now.  😊  It took me 4 before I made the perfect one without anything I didn't like...I found it stressful not being perfect on each one, so had to take breaks in between making them.

I wrapped them in red tissue paper and then put them in little Christmas bags that they just fit in perfectly.

Below is my favorite one - number 4 on the assembly line, on all sides:

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