Monday, September 23, 2019

Canned Salmon & Yam Fish Cakes

I wanted fish cakes tonight and was only going to use what was in my house without going out for anything as it is my last day of vacation.  That meant instant mashed potatoes or yam, so I went with the yam.  I roasted my garnet yam after I scrubbed it well and then dried it.

I put a skewer through it and baked it at 350°F for two hours. I used cooking spray on a parchment lined 1/4 sheet pan.  My ingredients today:

  • 600 grams canned wild pink and sockeye salmon, drained
  • 1 bunch of green onions, sliced
  • 1 handful fresh cilantro, chopped coarsely
  • Fresh cracked black pepper and kosher salt, to taste
  • 1 cup quick cooking oats
  • 1 extra large yam (2 pounder?), baked and then mashed with skin
  • 1 large organic free range egg
  • Organic extra-virgin olive oil, as needed

I mashed the yam and let it cool, then I added in all the other ingredients and mixed well.  I used a small round ring cutter to make the patties ended up with 9.  I used cooking spray on it so the mixture wouldn't stick.

I did this on a  baking sheet and put in the fridge for an hour so they could set.  I pan-fried in a non-stick skillet with some olive oil.  I did them in two batches.  When golden brown on one side I flipped and did the same to the other side.  I served with ketchup garnish and Meyer lemon slices.  I also had some homemade green goddess dressing left so put some of that on the plate as well.

These turned out much better than I expected.  I mean, I love them with real mashed taters, but going off vacation means eating healthy again.  I was lucky I escaped it without gaining a pound!  These tasted close to the ones I usually make and much healthier.  Win win - good dinner.

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