Monday, August 31, 2020

Oven Cheese Grits

I saw this on food t.v. and had to give it a try.  It looked so easy and most times I stand stirring over the stove like a slave when I make grits.  Of course I used my stash of Anson Mills stone-ground grits for this.  On the show I watched, they made it for brunch with an egg on top.  I made breakfast for dinner and served this with eggs on top and fried ham with sourdough toast on the side.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Air Fryer: Celery Root (Celeriac ) Fries

I've always wanted to try one of these things so I picked one up.  As we were having grilled burgers tonight, I thought I'd make fries out of it.  Ugly thing isn't it? cost me $5.68 too!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Pizzadilla (Quesadilla Pizza)

This flashed up on social media and I knew I wanted to make it for my son for dinner.  What I used:

Friday, August 7, 2020

Mushroom Risotto

I've always wanted to try making risotto, even though it's never been a favorite of mine in Italian restaurants.  I think I've only ordered it once and that was over 20 years ago now.  I had some mushrooms I had to use and had a box of arborio rice.  I ordered the rice in panic pandemic mode to support local restaurants.  I decided this was the time to try it.  I based mine on this recipe.  

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Chicken Fried Steak

I have a great fondness for this comfort food.  This is not a meal to count calories, go big or go home.  I never have seen it on menus here in Vancouver and in fact - I don't think I've ever had it at a restaurant here.  I eat it while visiting the States (I know I won't be there any time soon!).  When I first started taking my son to Disneyland when he was six, I would eat it everyday for breakfast before we got to the park.  I could afford the calories back then.  I outgrew eating it for breakfast - it was too much and I stopped enjoying eggs with it, but mashed potatoes are A-okay.  That being said, I have never made it at home.  I decided to try it for dinner this evening.