Monday, August 24, 2020

Air Fryer: Celery Root (Celeriac ) Fries

I've always wanted to try one of these things so I picked one up.  As we were having grilled burgers tonight, I thought I'd make fries out of it.  Ugly thing isn't it? cost me $5.68 too!

My chef's knife did the job of cutting the outer skin off.  

I washed it and then cut it into fries.

To store them without oxidization, I put them in cold water with vinegar.  I covered with plastic wrap until ready to use.

I set the air-fryer to 390°F.  I pre-heated for 3 minutes first.  While that was happening, I dried the fries and coated them in some olive oil, fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt.  I put them in for 12 minutes and then paused to give them a shake.  I put them in for another 12 minutes and they were done.

I mixed some "Old Bay" seasoning with mayo for the dip.  

I really liked these.  They were crispy but tender.  Great flavor of celery and way healthier than regular potato fries.  The dip was excellent with them.  Glad I finally tried celeriac, I'd buy it again.

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