Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Lemon Curd

I recently re-discovered this delicious treat and love it.  One of the few sweets I cannot say no to.  I had to try making it myself.  The one I bought was not only expensive but also hurt-your-teeth sweet!  I found a few supposed "easy peasy" recipes and made 3 cups as I wanted to gift some as well.  I even bought mason jars for it.  When I want to gift food, it often doesn't turn out the way I imagine, so fingers crossed!  🤞  What I used:

  • 2/3 cup organic cane sugar (I didn't want it super sweet)
  • 1 cup fresh lemon juice ( 6 lemons for me, they were super juicy!)
  • Zest of 6 lemons, microplaned
  • 6 large organic eggs, room temperature (30 minutes)
  • 3/4 cup (12 tablespoons) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • Pinch of kosher salt (for good luck!)

In a medium saucepan I combined all the ingredients above and whisked well.  Below is showing after the butter melted.

Over medium-low heat, I continued to whisk every couple minutes until it was thick enough and coated the back of a spoon.  

This took me a while, about 20 minutes and I didn't leave the stove as I was worried I'd have scrambled eggs.  

To strain or not to strain?  I did just because I was gifting some.  Otherwise I wouldn't have minded the zest still in it.  It turned out straining was the thing to do as there were little eggy bits that were left and I did not see while whisking in the pan.  I wouldn't have wanted that in there.  I would strain whether gifting or not, now that I saw that.  

I poured into jars and pressed plastic wrap over the top of the curd to hopefully not have a skin overtop.  I cooled and put in the fridge.  When totally chilled I removed the wrap, put the lids on and kept in the fridge.

Verdict?  Well, it wasn't translucent or bright yellow like my stuff in the jar was.  Mine was pale yellow.  However it tasted great and was thick and smooth but I don't know if I did something wrong?  Anyway, to me it tasted delish, lemony tart and not overly sweet.  I definitely won't buy it again, I'll make it for myself, for sure.  I'm happy with the results, we'll see if the people I give it to like it...

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