Saturday, August 28, 2021

Spaghettini allo Scarpariello

Tomato season!!!!  Yay!!!  Yay!!!  I've been eating them every which way this month!  I didn't go to farmer's market today as I still had lots to use from last week's over buying.  I didn't have any more cherry or "sun golds" which is what you're supposed to use for this.  I just used all the super ripe tomatoes I had left.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Apple Jelly Pork Tenderloin Casserole

I was gifted some homemade apple jelly and I was thinking I could use it with some pork tenderloin I had in the freezer.  I decided to create a casserole, all-in-one dinner on this rainy day.  I had some Swiss chard that needed using and we haven't had rice in a while, so those ingredients were included.  

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Gluten Free Peach Cobbler

I had company coming who eats gluten free, so I made this dessert for us.  I was dismayed to find that arrowroot starch was $10 at the grocery store, seemed like a huge rip off!!!  My friend grew the peaches in her yard which was amazing and said these were the last of them for this season.  They smelled so good sitting on my counter it was hard to resist eating them.  I followed this recipe:  The bold italic text below is for the peach mixture, the rest for the topping.