Thursday, August 26, 2021

Apple Jelly Pork Tenderloin Casserole

I was gifted some homemade apple jelly and I was thinking I could use it with some pork tenderloin I had in the freezer.  I decided to create a casserole, all-in-one dinner on this rainy day.  I had some Swiss chard that needed using and we haven't had rice in a while, so those ingredients were included.  

  • 1 cup wild rice blend, cooked to package directions in low-sodium chicken stock
  • 2 pork tenderloins, browned
  • 2 Gala apples, cored, peeled and large dice
  • 1 sweet onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 bunch Swiss chard, sliced thinly
  • Extra-virgin olive oil, as needed
  • 1 cup organic "Better than Bouillon" low-sodium chicken stock
  • 1 jar homemade apple jelly
  • Crushed red chili flakes, to taste
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • Splash of white wine, for deglazing
  • Fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt, to taste
I prepared the rice and had it sitting aside in a covered saucepan, ready for dinner assembly.  

I coated a large 13" x 9" casserole dish with cooking spray and preheated the oven to 350°F.  

In a large frying pan I sautéed the onion, garlic, chilies and apple until soft.  I deglazed with wine and then added stock, chard and rice and mixed until well combined.  I spread this evenly in the casserole dish.

I seasoned the tenderloins with S&P, chilies and seared four sides in fry pan until browned.  I deglazed and added that browned bits to the jelly.  I laid these on top of the rice mixture.

Finally, I used a whisk in a bowl and stirred the balsamic, chilies and jelly until smooth-ish.  I spooned this over top the pork tenderloins.  

This went into the oven for 40 minutes, until the pork was done to 145°F.  I let rest for 10 minutes and then sliced and served.

This was tasty.  The jelly was very sweet so the other elements in the dish toned it down.  I didn't need to add the stock so wouldn't do that next time as it was more soupy than I would have liked.  I also wished I added some fresh thyme.  The pork was tender and flavor was good so this was a satisfying meal.  Can't go too wrong with pork and apples...

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