Saturday, February 5, 2022

Overnight Clotted Cream

I found I was able to buy organic cream that is 36% milk fat here so I wanted to try making overnight clotted cream.  Of course it would be served with scones.

The recipe is pretty simple.  Preheat oven to 175°F.  

Put cream (I used 500 ml:  Certified Organic Cream, containing 36% M.F.) in baking dish and put it in the oven for 12 hours.  I put mine in at 9pm and took it out at 9am the next morning.  

Cool to room temperature and then cover in plastic wrap and put in the fridge. 

When cold, lift off top layer to pour off milk.  Pack the clotted cream into a canning jar.  Refrigerate and use it within 5 days.

We ended up with 1 & 1/3 cups of clotted cream!  2/3 cup left of liquid cream that I just threw into banana bread batter later.  

RICH and DECADENT!  Dreamy and creamy, just heavenly!  Could not have been any easier and next time I will make the scones from scratch.  These came from the freezer.  This always reminds me of enjoying "High Tea" at one of the many fine establishments around that do it.  Scrummy!  😉

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