Friday, July 22, 2022

Pit Boss: Smoked Lamb Chops

One thing I know about my smoker is that I will miss it in the winter!!!  We have really grown to love the food on it.  This was easy prep.  I had a rub for lamb I used and also seasoned with fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt on all sides.  These were thick chops, about an inch thick.  On a rack, then sheet pan I put them in the fridge for a few hours before dinner.  

I set the smoker to 225°F and inserted the probe.  I wanted medium-rare-ish so the temp I was going to pull them off at was 135°F.  They looked raw still!  I like my lamb more to the medium side when eating.  Below was 135°F when I pulled them off.

I had these and green beans smoking.  I finished both inside the air fryer in my oven, just for a little crispness and to eyeball the cook on them, 15 minutes.  They were now 145°F. 

The lamb came out perfect for us, to just barely medium.

On the other hand, I over seasoned with the lamb rub.  I found the minty citrus flavor fake and LOUD.  I had fresh mint and rosemary in my garden.  I wished I had made my own rub.  Next time!  Everything ate delicious otherwise.  

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