Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve Tourtière

Years ago, like in the 80's, I used to hang out with this French couple who introduced me to Tourtière on Christmas Eve one year.  They explained it was a tradition in their French Canadian homes in Quebec and I loved it!  I remember I liked it so much, I went back to their house for New Years Eve when they were having it again.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Ranch & Bacon Cheese Ball

I have never made a cheese ball in my life, but I do love them occasionally, like at Christmas time.  I decided I wanted to try, so one for me and one for a gift to a co-worker who was dropping by on the weekend.  I based my recipe on this one (there are a ton of cheese ball recipes out there!).  I chose one that I knew my co-worker would like.  Next time, I will use this recipe or this one.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Festive Pomegranate Guacamole

I was invited to a Christmas dinner party so wanted to contribute with an appetizer.  I wanted it to be related to "the season🎄🎅" and I wanted it to be something that the host liked.  I knew he loved avocados, so I stumbled across this recipe and thought it was perfect!  I bought all the serving dishes "holiday style🎍" at the 'Dollar store' so I wouldn't have to worry about bringing anything home or getting it back.  I found organic red tortilla chips which would go with the theme, and that made me really happy (I saw white & red everywhere, but when I found all red, I was delighted).

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Manhattan Fish Chowder

I was craving soup and I thought I'd make a fish soup.  I decided to make a spin on Manhattan clam chowder.  I bought some fresh Pacific red snapper and some previously frozen sockeye salmon head (no eyes)/tail pieces that had lots of meat on them - scraps.  The fish cost me under $10 for all of it.  I figured that would do fine for the fish part of the soup.  Basically, after that, the ingredients all came from what was in the fridge/kitchen.  I used:

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

This is pretty good diet food though I had some sausages in the fridge that needed to be used up.  I added them to the turkey, making it a little less healthy, though they would certainly add more flavor.  This dish is known as "lazy cabbage rolls" and is really easy to make.  It works for me since on two previous tries, I did a lousy job of trying to separate the cabbage leaves successfully and then roll - definitely not an easy task!   Tonight I used:

Kale Chips

I had a healthy weekend of eating.  I awoke today and had an egg white omelette with fresh spinach and tomatoes, but found I was hungry again early afternoon.  I was watching "Cooking Channel" and someone was making kale chips.  It reminded me that I had this really curly, springy bunch of kale in my fridge so I decided to make it too.  I preheated my oven to 300°F.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Wylie's Turkey Goulash (Christine Style)

I got this recipe from "The Biggest Loser" t.v. show years ago.  It is a diet meal deal, and I always really liked it.  I decided to make it tonight, in trying to keep in better health before the holiday season hits us.  Well, I guess it already is holiday season since my "lunch/dinner eating out" calendar has filled up three times as much as normal... I altered this, a lot, so it is really my spin on this recipe tonight.  I made a double batch too by adding more turkey and vegetables.  I only used the one can of beans.