Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve Tourtière

Years ago, like in the 80's, I used to hang out with this French couple who introduced me to Tourtière on Christmas Eve one year.  They explained it was a tradition in their French Canadian homes in Quebec and I loved it!  I remember I liked it so much, I went back to their house for New Years Eve when they were having it again.

I have bought these pies, frozen or thawed over the years, here and there, even at the Farmer's Market but none have ever been good or memorable.

I saw an article for where to buy them locally this season and they were not cheap.  The two I looked at, where the bakeries were close to me were $38 and $42!  I figured I could do it cheaper.  I decided I would make my own - but not with homemade dough, that part would be bastardized by Pillsbury like I usually do...I never ever eat "pie" so probably don't know what "great" pie dough tastes like anyway, so I don't know what I'm missing...It cost me well under $20 for everything, though I had most spices, except the ground cloves...

There are a lot of different recipes but I liked this one (because it was simple and easy) and went with it.  For cocktails, we went with this one 🎉because it is super yummy...and easy too!

I started by getting the potatoes ready.

I just used 2 medium Yukon Gold, peeled and boiled them in some salted water until done.

I drained and mashed with a little kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper.  Then I covered and set aside until needed.

I got the pie dough ready next by following package instructions.  I preheated the oven to 350°F and then went about making the filling.  Unlike the recipe, I started with the onions and garlic first, then added the ground meats (I used extra lean beef and lean pork).  When browned, I drained off any fat in the pan and seasoned with S&P.  I added in the spices and stock.  I used a teaspoon of allspice, and 1/2 teaspoon of cloves and cinnamon.  The spices smelled sooo good!  I used unsalted beef stock as I had some open in the fridge.  I simmered for 10 minutes and tasted.  It seemed lacking something.  I should have only used a 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves - 1/2 teaspoon was a definite major mistake!  The ground cloves smelled so good was why I used more, but I had no idea how strong they were!  I think they could have been eliminated all together.  I added in about a tablespoon of Trader Joe's "21 Salute - No Salt" seasoning.  It tasted better.

I then added in the mashed potatoes, stirred until well incorporated and then it was done.  This was a very, very thick filling now.  The final taste was pretty good after adding a final dusting of S&P (I might have been overcompensating for those damn cloves with the S&P though, lol).

I filled the pie crust and put the top on, cutting out the middle -  I just did a "diamond".  I tried to raise the edges like in the recipe.  She called it "scalloped".

I brushed an egg yolk mixed with a tablespoon of water over the top and into the oven it went.  I put it on a foil lined baking sheet, as I do this for everything now since I cleaned my oven.  I set my timer for 45 minutes because my oven is finicky/flaky and I figured that would be right.  I did check at 30 minutes though.  It ended up taking an hour and for my oven, I should have set it to 375°F.  I know for next time. Just remember that only you know best how your oven works...

When it came out, I let it rest for a half hour.  I served with ketchup!  That's how I had it all those years ago and that's what I wanted now.  When I was reading recipes I saw that it can be served with "green ketchup" - which sounds great and I know it as "chow-chow", but when I had it, it was just regular ole Heinz' best. 😊

It was almost what I remember, but ruined by the cloves unfortunately.  I should have thought about the "allspice" and knew it would be enough, but hindsight is 20/20, right?  Once I had this in my brain, it was too late to love this dish anyway, the cloves were all I tasted.  However, all that being said, it was still perfectly edible, but if you make it, don't add cloves!!!  The major problem with the cloves wasn't while you were eating the pie, it was an aftertaste that came after you finished your bite that wasn't particularly pleasant.

Happy New Year!!!  May you all have a healthy 2017 and may all your spicing in recipes be correct... Cheers!

EDIT:  12/31/20:

I still make this NYE and did again this year.  I made my own pastry (Ina Garten's Perfect Pie Dough).  Here's my list of ingredients I've adapted to:
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 clove garlics, minced
  • 1 lb ground pork & beef
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tsp fresh cracked pepper
  • 1 tsp savory
  • ¼ tsp fresh cloves (about 6), ground in mortar & pestle
  • ¼ tsp cayenne
  • ½ tsp fresh grated nutmeg
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 medium yellow potatoes mashed
  • 1 cup low-sodium chicken broth

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