Sunday, January 1, 2017

Dutch Baby Pancake

I have never eaten one of these, but have always wanted to because I like the way they look.  If I ever find a restaurant that makes them, I will try it.  I found one in Palm Springs when we were on vacation but we never ended up going.  So, I decided to try making this for my son for New Year's day brunch.  I used this recipe.

I had to take a time out and explain to my son about "Vanilla Ice" after I started singing "Dutch Dutch Baby" in the kitchen.  😏 He got quite a kick out of watching the video and I think was rather bemused, lol.

I mixed all the ingredients in a blender, scraping down the sides once to incorporate the flour properly.

I remember reading somewhere to let it sit for a while before cooking, so I did for a half hour.  I also used fresh grated nutmeg over my microplane to get better flavor.

While that was going on, I had my cast iron pan heating in the oven at 425°F with 2 tablespoons of avocado oil and 2 tablespoons of Becel margarine.  When the oven was at temperature, I took out the pan and poured the batter in.

I let it cook for 20 minutes and then turned the oven to 300°F for 5 minutes more.

Peeks through the oven window showed me it looked like a Yorkshire Pudding.  I think maybe I will omit the sweet ingredients and make Yorkshire's this way next time.

It came out of the oven looking terrific!

I dusted it with some confectioner's sugar.  Then I coated it with some "low sugar" strawberry preserves.

To serve, I cut the pancake in half and then drizzled with a little maple syrup and dollops of whip cream.

My son loved it.  I tried a bite and thought it was very light and tasty.  Loved getting the nutmeg flavor that shined through.  This recipe stays in the rotation.

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