Monday, January 9, 2017

Non-Dairy Cream of Mushroom Soup

It felt like a soup day, and I wanted to try and make a creamy soup without dairy, which I have never done.  I was reading this post and based my soup on hers.  Tonight I used:

  • 2 lbs of cremini and white mushrooms, wiped clean and sliced
  • 1 large sweet onion, diced
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • Fresh chives, snipped into little pieces
  • Handful of fresh Italian parsley, chopped
  • 1 box (946 ml) Kitchen Basics no salt vegetable stock (I ended up using some Kirkland no salt chicken stock too as I didn't have enough liquid)
  • 1 tablespoon Trader Joe's no salt "21 Seasoning Salute"
  • Kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper
  • 1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets, rubbed with avocado oil, S&P and roasted in the oven
I started by roasting the cauliflower.  Roasted cauliflower is so delicious!  I did this in a 400 °F for about 40 minutes, flipping twice.

When they were browned, I transferred to a blender and pureed with a cup of chicken stock.  It needed a bit more stock to get creamier so I added a half cup more and it was pretty good.  I put this aside.

The mushrooms were large, so I halved them and sliced.  I sauteed the onions and garlic in avocado oil and then added the mushrooms.  I seasoned with S&P.

When the mushrooms were cooked and browned, I added in the stock, herbs, cauliflower puree and seasoning.  The shrooms had cooked down to a 1/3 of the pot full.  I brought to a boil, covered and turned it down to a simmer.  I left it like that for another 30 minutes.

CREAM of mushroom?  NO!  However, that being said, it was very flavorful and I really enjoyed it.  I might try some variations in the future, like ground almonds, coconut milk or almond milk.  The good thing is that this was very mushroomy, and if you like that, it was great!  😊  I thought that maybe some cream cheese mixed in would be perfect. Shhh, but I went and put a tablespoon of that in after a few bites, I couldn't resist - and THEN it was creamy and really made the soup dreamy - yup, dreamy & creamy.  So, I recommend that if you aren't avoiding dairy.  I am watching my cholesterol, so am avoiding it.  But, I can afford the 10 mg of cholesterol per tablespoon I had.

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