Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ground Turkey/Beef and Root Vegetable Skillet Gratin

I saw this recipe and it instantly appealed to me.  I am a huge fan of "Shepherd's Pie" dishes.  I had to make it a little healthier though.  I love any chance I can get to use my cast iron pan.  I decided to use white turnips and yam for the "scalloped potatoes" part of the dish on top.  I also used extra lean ground turkey and a half pound of extra lean ground beef.  I am starting to get a little tired of turkey so this would help that out.  I substituted non-fat cream in place of the heavy cream.  Changing the cream to that was like blasphemy!  However, this was like comfort food without it being too naughty health wise - well except for the cheese but I was not substituting the Gruyere, no way...

Earlier I got the turnips and yam ready.  I was sure I had too many, but I figured too many was better than not enough...

Both were easy to peel which was nice.  I used my mandolin to cut the slices.

I put these into a container, rinsed them with cold water and then filled it with the same.

I covered and put in the fridge until needed.

I prepared the meat mixture next.  I didn't follow the recipe for this part.  I diced my onions and fried them and the garlic with the ground beef & turkey.

I drained any fat by dumping it in a strainer when cooked and then put it back in the pan.  I added the Worcestershire sauce and some HP sauce (1/4 cup) too along with the sage, more kosher salt and freshly cracked pepper.

I turned the heat back up.  I did follow the spinach part and added it in two huge handfuls and then stirred until wilted.

I got the cream done next.  I used two cups as that's how much I bought and I wanted more cream in it than half a cup, so if it could reduce to a cup, I would be happy (It didn't).

I tasted the cream and it was sweet!  I saw that sugar was indeed in the listed ingredients, I guess to replace the fat.  I put some pepper and a small shake of cayenne pepper into it.  I didn't know if that would be a bad thing or not having that sweetness, so we would see with the end results.  I really didn't want the sugar though...

Then it was time to assemble.  I drained the turnips and yams into a colander and let all the water drain off.  Then I arranged the first layer on top of the meat.

I added some S&P and half the cream.  Then I topped with half the Gruyere cheese.

I repeated the layer again, exactly the same.  I had lots of these leftover so will have to figure out what to do with the rest of them...

I sprayed "Pam" on tinfoil so the cheese wouldn't stick to it.  I covered and put it in the oven with the timer set for one hour and fifteen minutes.

I took it out at that time, and removed the foil.  I put it back in the oven under the broiler for another 10 minutes.

Oh my!  What a thing of beauty!!!  It was love at first sight.  I let it rest 15 minutes before cutting it.

This was really satisfying and delicious!  The sweetness in the cream balanced the bitterness of the turnip.  However, because the veggies released liquid, I don't even think it needed the cream, the cheese was enough.  This felt like comfort food and was relatively guilt free.  It was a perfect Sunday night dinner.  YUM.

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