Saturday, December 10, 2016

Festive Pomegranate Guacamole

I was invited to a Christmas dinner party so wanted to contribute with an appetizer.  I wanted it to be related to "the season🎄🎅" and I wanted it to be something that the host liked.  I knew he loved avocados, so I stumbled across this recipe and thought it was perfect!  I bought all the serving dishes "holiday style🎍" at the 'Dollar store' so I wouldn't have to worry about bringing anything home or getting it back.  I found organic red tortilla chips which would go with the theme, and that made me really happy (I saw white & red everywhere, but when I found all red, I was delighted).

So, the first thing I decided to do was get the pomegranate seeds out.  I chose this method.  It worked exactly as the video showed and was very easy!  I used to love these a kid and it took us a long, long time to eat one after picking the seeds out of the bitter membrane.  I washed the pomegranate really good with dish soap before I started.  I got the two halves to start.

Then I used a heavy soup spoon and banged the crap out of them until all the seeds were in the dish.

Next, I chopped the red onion into very small dice and then I squirted some fresh juice from a lime over it and stirred it around.  The host doesn't like spicy stuff too much (wimp), so I de-seeded and removed the membrane from the jalapeno and diced it small.  (Normally, I would just use the whole thing, but I did want him to be happy).   He also is not a big fan of cilantro, so I chopped this very finely and used very little, which is what the recipe called for (1/4 cup).  I would have used more, personally.  I minced 2 small cloves of garlic and put that in.  Finally, I put in 2/3 of the pomegranate seeds, and stirred it, gently, all together.  I covered and put it in the fridge.

Above looks festive, doesn't it?  I did the avocado right before it was time to go.  I scooped it out, added the juice of another lime and a good crack of fresh pepper and kosher salt.

I folded all the ingredients together and then put it into the serving bowl.  I topped with the remaining pomegranate seeds.  I put a small dish aside for my son and I did put the feta cheese on his.  He liked it a lot.  I tried a chip and guac and I really enjoyed it.  I loved the crunchiness of the seeds and it gave a nice sweetness.

Lastly,  I got some Salsa together.  I bought this, by "Fresh is Best".  I find it's pretty good and has no additives or preservatives.  I mixed some Trader Joe's "Island Salsa" in too, just to mix the tastes up a bit and okay...I was also getting rid of it, lol.  I felt kind of bad for not making it homemade, but it's been a busy time lately and I had to pick my battles.

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