Monday, February 27, 2017

Pork Tenderloin with Cremini Mushroom, Yogurt Dijon Mustard Sauce

My son always works late on Monday nights so it's a good for making dinner at my own leisure and not being in a hurry.  I hate Mondays, so cooking can be a real stress reliever for me as well. Imagine my surprise when my son said he was working early shift and would be home the same time as me,, maybe not that leisurely tonight...

Green Goddess Dip

I am kind of obsessed with Green Goddess dressing.  I'm still looking for the perfect recipe for me.  I've tried a bunch but none have grabbed me to make it as my "go to".  I was going to do a dip this time, for lunches to go with raw veggies.  I love tarragon and when I saw it was an ingredient, I had to try this.  It really doesn't take much time or effort to make a dip and it is so much better for you than what you buy in a grocery store.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Coq Au Vin

I had company coming for dinner.  My co-worker had just brought me back frozen, peeled, pearl onions from Trader Joe's, which I can't find here anywhere, so I decided to make some Coq Au Vin.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Chicken Enchilada Lasagna

I was really craving something Mexican inspired.  This wasn't going to be authentic in any sense of the word and this recipe is out of my own head, so it was an experiment.  I was also trying to think of making it healthy or healthier.  I was still thinking of the vegan stuffed shells filling I recently made and wondered if I could do a layer of tofu "requesón" in the casserole?  ðŸ˜‰ (requesón is like a Mexican ricotta).  I really went goo goo gaa gaa over that filling!  I was about to find out.  I decided that would save on the "cheese" calories and cholesterol by making it and then I would just put cheese on the top.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Ahi Tuna Salad with Wasabi Dressing

Friday night after a long work week and I was tired!  Didn't feel like cooking.  Wished I had brought a salad home instead....however, I bought Ahi and had to assemble my own salad.  I blanched some green beans first in boiling water, for about 10 minutes and then soaked them in ice cold water.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Vegan Stuffed Shells

Cheese is the one thing I have a hard time not eating.  When cutting back on cholesterol laden foods, cheese is a hard one to steer away from for me.  I saw this vegan recipe and it intrigued me into trying it.  I mean, "Nutritional Yeast" tastes like cheese???

Monday, February 13, 2017

Baked Apples

I saw these being done on a cooking show on t.v. over the weekend.  It reminded me of my dad and I remembered how he'd make these for my sister and I.  It was so easy, he just hollowed them out with a paring knife, leaving the bottom intact.  Then he'd put in a pat of butter, some brown sugar and cinnamon and bake them in the oven for an hour.  I can remember my sister and I asking him why they took so long to cook as once we could smell the cinnamon wafting through the oven, we became impatient...

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Tuscan Pappa al Pomodoro (Tomato and Bread Soup)

This recipe just looked so warm, comforting and SIMPLE!  I've said before that simple recipes are my favorite.  I had some organic country bread or "Pain de Campagne" in the house as I was going to make my favorite roast chicken for Sunday dinner.  This is probably my favorite bread of all and I love that it comes from a local artisan bakery.  This was a really simple dish so the ingredients had to shine.  I bought an organic veggie broth which was $6!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Tangy, Spicy, Apricot Baked Chicken

I had a craving for a dish I used to make when I first started cooking in my early twenties.  I glanced at recipe that was similar and it immediately came back to my mind.  I would use Kraft Russian salad dressing, apricot jam,  onion & garlic powder.  I would heat it all up and pour it over chicken and bake it.  It was really good and I haven't made that for years and years now.  I decided it was time to make it again, if only for nostalgic reasons - and that it's an easy dish for a weeknight... My side would be "No Yolks" egg noodles, avoiding extra cholesterol, fat and sodium - though there's still plenty of carbs in 'em.  I needed some carbs today...

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Buttermilk Cornmeal Crusted Basa Fillets

I didn't get out to shop today so tonight was "make a meal with what you can find in the house".  I like catfish, so don't have a problem with basa being its cousin.  However, I do know the controversy on this farmed fish.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Kung Pao Chicken

My son really likes this stuff and he really doesn't like that much in the way of Chinese food.  I've never made it before, so I thought it was time I did.  I found this recipe and thought it looked good so that is what I went with.  I had most of the ingredients at home so didn't have to shop for much.  I decided to serve it with Tri-color quinoa instead of rice.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Easy Cheeseburger Sliders

When I see "potato buns" at my grocery store, I HAVE to buy them and I have to make sliders.  Thank goodness they don't have them often.  I haven't seen them there for a long, long while actually but I saw them today and had to make sliders for dinner.  It was a package of 6 and they were so fresh, I could smell them through the bag.  I picked up some extra-lean ground beef too.  I like this recipe as it really is easy.  I am very particular with my sliders.  I have to have Kraft processed cheese slices, hamburger pickles, French's yellow mustard and Heinz ketchup.  That's it for a perfect slider, for me.  My son thinks that is disgusting and only ketchup for him.