Monday, February 27, 2017

Pork Tenderloin with Cremini Mushroom, Yogurt Dijon Mustard Sauce

My son always works late on Monday nights so it's a good for making dinner at my own leisure and not being in a hurry.  I hate Mondays, so cooking can be a real stress reliever for me as well. Imagine my surprise when my son said he was working early shift and would be home the same time as me,, maybe not that leisurely tonight...

I had lots of veggie sticky rice leftover, so wanted to jazz it up a little and serve it as the side dish.  I also roasted some green beans.  I decided to do the rice by sauteing some onion, halved organic grape tomatoes, and then added the rice.

I stirred in some chopped flat leaf parsley at the end.

I decided I would pound the slices of tenderloin so they would cook quickly and be tender(er)... pork tenderloin is not tough by any means anyway.

I laid out 2 sheets of wax paper and went to work.

I seasoned both sides of each piece with freshly cracked pepper and kosher salt.

I sliced some cremini mushrooms for my gravy.

I browned the pork in some olive oil and then moved to a plate.

I put the cremini mushrooms in next and sauteed until brown.

I deglazed with a 1/4 cup of white wine.  Then I added in a heaping tablespoon of whole grain and Dijon mustard.  I added a cup of 0% milk fat Greek yogurt and then stirred in some parsley.

I added the pork back in and brought back to a simmer.  The sauce was broken and I kind of expected it might.  I used to do this with heavy whipping cream... I need some work on what I did tonight - I have no experience in using yogurt to replace cream and it showed!  This dish was a FAIL, lol.

So, the good thing was is that the rice and green beans were delish.  Next time I'd make a gravy instead, and then maybe stir in some kind of cream at the end.

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