Monday, February 27, 2017

Green Goddess Dip

I am kind of obsessed with Green Goddess dressing.  I'm still looking for the perfect recipe for me.  I've tried a bunch but none have grabbed me to make it as my "go to".  I was going to do a dip this time, for lunches to go with raw veggies.  I love tarragon and when I saw it was an ingredient, I had to try this.  It really doesn't take much time or effort to make a dip and it is so much better for you than what you buy in a grocery store.
I swapped out 0% milk fat Greek yogurt for the sour cream in this recipe.  I used 1/2 the fat Hellman's mayo too.

I measured out both of those and minced 2 cloves of garlic into a bowl and mixed.

Cutting the herbs and adding fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt was all that was left to do.  In addition to the lemon juice, I also added one tablespoon of lime juice.

I stirred it all together and covered in saran wrap and let it sit in the fridge for an hour.  I was anxious to try it but the flavors had to meld so an hour is the minimum to wait...

I sliced half a cucumber and tried a little sample of the dip.  I think cucumbers are the greatest thing ever.  Probably my favorite salad ingredient or even on a sandwich or just served with vinegar.  I garnished the dip with some flat leaf parsley.

This was terrific!  YUMMY!  I loved the tarragon and the garlic.  It tasted tangy and it tasted fresh.  It was deliciously herbaceous.  I will be keeping this recipe for sure.  Simple is best - and this may become a regular accouterments for my lunches.  I already packed some up with some broccoli crowns for tomorrow...

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