Monday, October 16, 2017

Apple Pandowdy

What's in a name, right???  I saw this on a PBS show called Cook's Country.  I couldn't find the recipe online, but I had the show recorded so just went from that (play, pause and write down the ingredients/cooking steps).  I made this for my son and it seemed like a nice autumn dish.

I liked the recipe because it was done in a skillet.  I have these great ones that can go in the oven and the handles snap lock on and off.  Perfect for this, and non-stick too.  The crust was pressed into the filling while baking so the juices flooded over the top and caramelized it.  I also cheated and just used refrigerated Pillsbury pie dough to make the squares.  To me, the apples were enough work.  The ingredients:
  • 2 & 1/2 lbs (for me that ended up being 5 large) Golden Delicious apples, peeled, cored and cut into quarter/half inch slices (I got 8 slices per half apple)
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • 1 Pillsbury pie dough crust, cut with a pizza slicer into 2 inch squares
  • 1/4 cup light brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of Maple syrup (this was my own addition - we're Canadian, eh) 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 3/4 cup of apple cider (we used fresh pressed apple juice)
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch
  • 2 teaspoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 egg with a touch of water, lightly beaten for egg wash
  • Cinnamon sugar, to sprinkle on crust before going into oven
Preheat oven to 400°F.  Cut pie dough into squares and leave on baking sheet in the fridge until needed.

Get apples ready, then season with sugar, cinnamon, maple syrup and salt.  Toss well until coated evenly.  

Heat the butter in a 10 inch skillet over medium heat.  Toss in apples.  Put lid on and let cook for about 10 minutes, stirring a couple of times until juices release.  

When softened, mix together the cider, lemon juice and cornstarch with a whisk.  Pour into apples and bring up to a simmer until thickened.  

Flatten out apples and the put pie dough over top.  It doesn't have to cover everything and it doesn't matter what it looks like.  Brush with egg wash.  Sprinkle cinnamon sugar over and put in oven for 15 minutes.  

At that time, it's time to "dowdy".  Take out skillet and with a large spoon, press down the crust until the liquid oozes out over the top (about 4 times).  Put it back in the oven for about another 15 minutes until the top is caramelized.  It was a beauty and the house smelled so good!

Let cool for 20 minutes before serving.  To serve, top with vanilla ice cream.

I didn't try it as I generally don't eat dessert.  It got raves from my son though.  He devoured it and I heard a lot of happy Mmmm sounds.

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