Monday, October 16, 2017

Turkey Chili Stuffed Acorn Squash

I saw this recipe float by on social media and thought it would be great for a Monday, especially because I took homemade turkey chili out of the freezer last night.  Mine was really close to hers in the recipe except I used ground dried chilis to make my chili powder.  I had kidney beans in mine too.  I usually make squash a lot in the autumn but haven't made any this year so far.  I washed the acorn gourds good and preheated the oven to 400°F.  I cut the squash in half and cleaned out the seeds with a spoon.  I lined a baking sheet with parchment paper, sprayed with cooking oil.  I brushed olive oil inside the squash and seasoned with kosher salt & fresh cracked pepper.

I put it cut side down and into the oven for 30 minutes.

I flipped one over and checked the doneness, but it was not soft enough to flip yet.  I put back in for another 15 minutes and then looked again.

It was pretty good and soft looking now, so I stuffed with the warmed chili.

I topped with cheese and put back in the oven until the cheese was melty good - about another 15 minutes.

I cut mine with a fork and steak knife and ate it all:  squash/skin, chili, and cheese.

It was quite delicious, especially the acorn squash and cheese!  Great idea...

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