Saturday, December 7, 2019

MacLaren’s Cheddar Jam Squares

I googled this cheese as I used it in my potato soup and I wanted to provide a link to it.  When I did, I came upon this recipe and knew I had to make it.  I've always been a huge fan of cheese and jam together, and I love cheddar melted on apple pie too.  But I really made them for my son as I knew he'd love them.

  • 1 & 1/2 cups pre-sifted, unbleached flour (next time I'll use 2 cups)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Pinch of kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter (cut into pats)
  • 1 container (230 grams) MacLaren’s cheddar cheese 
  • 250 ml jar of seedless, pure raspberry jam 

I preheated the oven to 350°F. I lined a 9" x 9" cake pan with parchment paper.

First off in a bowl I dumped in the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt and mixed it with a whisk.  I nuked the cheese for 30 seconds.  (See my first Corningware plate below that I've had since I got my first apartment back in the 80's - awesome dishes!)

Then I mashed it in with a fork.  I did this till fully incorporated.

I then cut it into the flour with my pastry cutter until well combined.

The butter was next.  I cut it in until the whole mixture was crumbly.

I pressed 2/3 of the mixture into the pan, pressing fairly tightly with my palm so it looked like a big square cookie.  Recipe said to use a generous 1/2 but it didn't even coat the whole bottom.

I spread the jam evenly over the top.

I sprinkled the remaining topping over, loosely packed and put it into the oven for 30 minutes.

I didn't have high hopes honestly as I didn't think there was enough mixture for this recipe (outside of the jam) or I should have used a smaller pan.  Maybe 2 cups of flour would have helped?

I took it out and let it cool for another 30 minutes.  I cut into squares and served.

Delicious but for sure I will use an extra half cup of flour next time.  The taste reminded me of cheese crackers with jam.  I know son will love these when he tries them.  Below is the edge of the bar.

EDIT:  Update 3/15/20:

I made this again with the extra half cup of flour and used a 8" x 8" cake pan.  That made all the difference in the world!  This time I used organic Morello cherry jam.  You can see the difference it made below.  It was perfect and tasted super cheddar cheesy, flaky and tart/sweet!!!

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