Thursday, January 28, 2021

White Chocolate Orzo Pudding

I saw this on food t.v. and it looked delicious and easy, especially if you like rice pudding which we do.  I halved the recipe being that there was only two of us and had to improvise a little with the ingredients.  I had leftover Italian white chocolates from a Christmas box, so that's what I used instead of white chocolate chips.  What I used tonight:

Monday, January 25, 2021

No-Knead Bread

I saw this on the news.  I decided it was time to make bread!  I've never done it other than loaves like banana bread.  It was time for this experiment.  I used my enamel coated cast iron Dutch oven.  It is big (12 ") so I doubled the recipe.  Thanks to Amazon, I was able to order a 10" banneton proofing basket for next day delivery.  I rinsed/dried it and coated it with rice flour and whole wheat flour when it arrived.  What I used and did:

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Gomae (Japanese Spinach Salad)

I had about 8 oz of organic baby spinach in the fridge that I knew I was going to have to use soon.  I saw this recipe flash by on Social Media and went ding ding ding.  My son loves this and always picks it when we order Japanese food.  What I used:

Monday, January 11, 2021

Caci-Oat Pepe

I saw this on food t.v. and knew I had to give it a try for the next brunch. Plus I admire chef Michael Voltaggio and wanted to try his recipe as I thought it was ingenious.  He made avocado toast pizza too!  I added an over-easy egg to each dish, bacon on the side and fresh raspberries to complete plating.  What I used:

Friday, January 8, 2021

Quesadilla Panini

I saw this viral "Tik Tok" idea pass by on Social Media so I decided to give it a try for lunch today.  The idea is to make 4 quarters of fillings and fold it over clockwise to to make a compact, layered "sandwich" of sorts... I did see in the comments field someone said, "I have an easier way to do this.  Fold it like a burrito and done!"  That made me laugh and true enough...

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Bison Sausages with Onions & Peppers

I took sausages out of the freezer this morning and this is what I came up with for dinner.  I would have loved to serve this on baguettes, had I had them...