Friday, May 31, 2024

Low Country Pickled Shrimp Salad

I saw this on food t.v. and I knew (providing I could find pickled okra) that this would be my next salad.  I ended up pickling my own okra as I couldn't find it locally.  What I used:

Homemade Pickled Okra

I tried to buy jarred pickled okra locally but couldn't find it.  So, I decided to make it myself and found this recipe.  Here's my take on it:

Saturday, April 20, 2024


I made this  before and it was really tasty and easy to make.  The only downside of this dessert is the cost of Mascarpone cheese!  It cost me $16 for a 400 gram container!  On the up side, it freezes really well which was another bonus.  And the fact it's simple, no eggs meaning less work...One thing I've learned is to not soak the lady fingers too long or too short of a time.  I find you should dip, feel the liquid starting to penetrate, flip, then quickly remove.  If you get the timing right there will be zero liquid left over.  I've had it where there was waaaay too much left and not enough.  You have to find the groove of it...

Friday, February 23, 2024

Baked Feta & Tomato Spaghetti Squash

This seemed like an easy and possibly tasty recipe so I thought I'd give it a try.  I didn't have fresh oregano and only had fresh Thai basil but I used it anyway as I think it has more punch. ðŸ‘Š  Here's what I used today:

Friday, February 9, 2024

Chicken Wing Tom Yum Soup

This was something new to try for me.  I never order Tom Yum soup when at Thai restaurants but I was intrigued by this recipe because of the use of chicken wings.  We're in the middle of a snow storm here so I ordered in groceries.  I was so sad when the lemongrass didn't show up 😞.  I bought this new soup infuser so wanted to try it out.  This was perfect for it.  What I used today and by no means am I calling it "authentic", it was just my take on Tom Yum soup:

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Three Cup Chicken

Happy New Year!  I recently saw this recipe on food t.v. and then on a menu I was perusing at a Taiwanese restaurant.  It is basically a cup of each:  rice wine, soy sauce, and sesame oil = Three Cup Chicken.  The idea stayed in my mind so I decided to make it though I went with a recipe that wasn't one cup of each... What I used: