Sunday, April 17, 2016

Grilled Top Sirloin Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

Since I got my BBQ ready for the season, I have been craving "chimichurri" sauce.  I have never made it and decided it was time for Sunday dinner!  I went with this recipe, which seemed pretty basic and had cilantro.  I knew I wanted cilantro in it, but of course if you don't like it, leave it out.  I bought Top Sirloin steak as it was on sale at IGA.

Personally, I'm not a fan of top sirloin at all, I never buy it.  I really wanted flank steak, which they had, but it was twice the price and that just seemed ridiculous to me!  So I got the top sirloin and decided I'd marinate it.  Flank used to be one of the cheapest cuts you could buy - what happened with that???  I marinated it for 24 hours using what I had in the house.  I used:
  • About a cup of red wine
  • 1/4 cup of low-sodium soy sauce
  • Squeeze of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of Trader Joe's Everyday seasoning
  • Lots of freshly cracked pepper
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
  • Fresh thyme stalks
  • 2 tablespoons of onion powder
  • About a 1/4 cup of avocado oil
All ingredients went into a large ziploc bag.  A little massage to the steaks while in the sealed bag, and then into the fridge it went.

My plan was to grill this very quickly to rare, let it rest and then slice it very thinly in strips.  Before I started the meat, I made the chimichurri sauce.  I followed the recipe ingredients exactly except I used red wine vinegar and no onion.  I didn't follow the measurements exactly, I just made it to my tastes.  I whizzed it all together in the food processor and then had a taste.

Oh wow!  This was sooooo amazingly good!  It had a real kick to it, but I used about 2 teaspoons of chili flakes.  Funny how such simple things can have the best flavour!  I was excited to have it on the steak.  I covered it and put it into the fridge.  I read it will last up to a week.  I'm sure the flavours would just improve as it sat.  A couple of hours later I tried it, and whew, you could really taste the garlic now (I used 5 cloves).  It was awesome.  My son tried it and said was "Mmmm, like pesto"...

I took the steaks out of the marinade and discarded the rest of it.  I brought it to room temperature for about a half hour or so.  I had my grill really hot at 700°F.  I seared for the grill marks on both sides and removed.

I crossed my fingers that I had the right cook on it.  I let it rest for 10 minutes before slicing it.  I sliced it thin and fanned it out on a plate (can't do it as pretty as the pictures do, probably because I don't have the patience).  I drizzled the chimichurri sauce down the middle. The steak was so tender but cooked far over "rare" like I had hoped for (grill marks always kill me in that - I'm only good with thick steaks!)...Delicious though!

I served the steak with a packaged broccoli slaw (Mann's).  I dressed it with Kraft Coleslaw & French dressing.  I added cilantro, fresh cracked pepper and fresh squeezed lime juice.  Easy peasy as chef Jamie Oliver would say.  My son hates cabbage and even he ate this slaw saying it was good.  I did grill a bun with butter for him, to round out his meal with some carbs.

I will be trying all types of chimichurri sauce on all kinds of different things this grilling season.  The next time though, I will hand cut everything without the food processor.  I think the texture would make it better that way.  Mmm mmm, good.

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