Saturday, June 25, 2016

New York Strip Steak in a Cast Iron Fry Pan

I learned this recipe on PBS, probably 20 years ago now.  They were featuring a chef and he told how he liked to make his NY strip steaks.  I have been making it this way ever since, but only with strip loins.  No others worked as good (and I tried a few other steak types),  so I only use this one particular cut when using this cooking method.  This really is a foolproof technique and it is so simple but so wonderful and robust in flavor.  I highly recommend trying it.

I preheated the broiler in the oven to 500°F and brought the steaks to room temperature.  I seasoned with nothing but freshly cracked tri-color peppercorns.  I put the cast iron pan on the stove burner at high heat.  I let it sit until it was smoking hot.

When the pan was ready, I cracked in some coarse kosher salt all over the bottom.

Then I dropped the steaks in.  They should sizzle, sear and smoke immediately.

I let them sit on the burner, smoking and searing away, for a good solid minute and then flipped.

As soon as I flipped, these went under the broiler in the oven.  Depending on the thickness of your steak, that will dictate the time.  I try to buy steaks about an inch thick.  Tonight, trying for medium, it was 5 minutes and I set the timer. It gets tricky if you don't and I've overcooked them more times than not.  However, the taste has been fantastic even if it was medium well or even well done...I've learned though to take it out sooner than I think and the "resting" will bring it to the right "medium" temperature I try to achieve.

Above is what they looked like after 5 minutes.  When they come out of the oven, I like to turn the steak over for plating as the bottom will be nice and golden brown, though the top was that way too this time.  Always let your steaks rest for a few minutes before cutting them so the juices don't run out.  I wait 5 minutes before I serve and let them rest on the plate.

The accompaniments I used were pan fried organic mushrooms and a heated store-bought sodium laden hashbrown cheese casserole.  It is surprising how good a steak cooked with nothing else but salt and pepper can taste!

Below is showing the "medium" temperature I achieved.  Delicious and tender, no additional seasoning needed!  Dinner was made in a half hour too.

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