Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Coconut Curried Cauliflower Soup

Cauliflower was on sale at IGA this week, 2 heads for $3 so I decided to make some soup.  I usually like a creamy, fatty, cheesy cauliflower soup so was trying to think of a different way and thought curry might just do trick.  I was thinking more along the lines of Indian curry but found one with Thai curry and it looked good.  Plus, I had Thai red curry at home.  The recipe is here.  I made a couple of minor edits to it.
I started by roasting the cauliflower.  I tossed 2 small heads with a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and sprinkled lightly with kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper.

I had my oven at 400°F and roasted for 40 minutes, tossing after 20 minutes.

I chopped all the rest of the ingredients.  I heated a dutch oven up with some olive oil and sauteed the onion.   I added a pinch of crushed chili flakes.

After 5 minutes, I added in the carrots and stirred for another 5 minutes.

Lastly I added in the ginger and garlic and stirred for another couple of minutes.

I added the turmeric and curry paste, stirred for another minute, then I deglazed with a cup of white wine.  I also seasoned with S&P at this point.  I simmered for about 5 minutes and then added in the stock (I used Kirkland organic no sodium chicken) and cauliflower.

I brought it to a boil and did another simmer of 20 minutes.  Then I went in with my immersion blender.

When it was all smooth,  I poured in the coconut milk.

I served, garnished with some green onion and cilantro.

Wow, it was super creamy without all the cheese and heavy cream I usually use.  It had a really nice heat to it - not overbearing but enough to make you smile with warmth.  :)  It did need some S&P at the end but other than that - this was pretty fine.

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