Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Stir-Fried Chicken With Ketchup

Facebook reminded me that I've made this dish before, exactly one year ago today, and it was surprisingly very, very good!  I found the recipe here and decided to make it again tonight.  It is one of those "simple" dishes which yields amazing flavor.  It reminds me of Chinese sweet and sour chicken actually.

I started by cutting up the boneless, skinless chicken thigh meat.  I got 6 pieces per thigh.  I tossed it with the fresh cracked pepper seasoned flour in a plastic bag.

I then started my starch.  I decided on some "Harvest Grains" and cooked them in chicken broth and a tablespoon of Becel margarine.

I stirred in some fresh spinach in the last 5 minutes of the simmer (the whole bag - 8oz).  That was my veggies this evening.

I heated some avocado oil up in a non-stick pan.  I don't think it's a totally "neutral" oil but I was fine with the choice.  I don't even have canola oil in my house anymore, haven't for years.  I slivered 5 cloves of garlic.  When the oil was smoking, I put in the chicken.

I seasoned with fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt.  I cooked until brown which took about 15 minutes and then I moved it to a plate.

I sauteed the garlic and cayenne pepper.  I probably used a teaspoon and it made me cough!

I added in the ketchup next, stirred and waited until it bubbled.

I tossed the chicken back in and stirred until coated and reheated.

I plated.

This is really a good dish.  No complaints.  Not too much effort and lots of reward.  The cayenne and sugar from the ketchup balance each other nicely.  I followed the recipe almost exactly and hopefully  now that I wrote about it, I can remember to make it more often.

1 comment:

  1. what a great recipe! your side dish looks delicous-have to try that
