Saturday, November 18, 2017

Turkey Pesto Calzone

I had some frozen pizza dough in the freezer.  I still haven't gone grocery shopping since coming home from vacation so this is what I came up with for dinner, for my son tonight.  I needed a little help to get started so found this post helpful.

I used pesto, sun-dried tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, fried extra-lean ground turkey and Parmesan cheese.  The turkey was so bland, that I added a package of pre-made "mole" sauce that I had bought at a grocery store in Mexico.  It did the trick.  Then I added in a small bunch of kale stripped from the leaves and ripped up fine.

The dough was small, so I made 2 balls with it.  I preheated my oven to 400°F and lined a baking sheet with parchment.

I rolled out one dough on the counter with a little flour and then filled the center.

I pulled the dough half over top and sealed the edges with a fork.  Then I plopped it on the baking sheet.  I repeated with the 2nd ball, which ended up being a little bigger.  I put a couple of slits in the top of each.

Haha!  Not very pretty for my first attempt, eh?  I could only hope they tasted better than they looked.  I sprayed them with a little cooking spray and put them in the oven for 40 minutes.  Your oven may vary.  They smelled really good while baking.

They were oozy and bubbling when they came out so I let them rest for 10 minutes.  I used a pizza slicer to cut one, and then served with some pizza sauce.

I had a small slice and thought they tasted as good as they smelled.  I thought the sun-dried tomatoes were a little over powering in the taste so would use less or not at all next time.  I burned my hand as some of the filling fell on it!  The insides were molten hot.  No complaints and a nice alternative to original "pizza".

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