Monday, November 12, 2018

Steamed Cod with Hot Garlic Ginger Oil and Seasoned Soy Sauce

My co-worker told me you can buy special soy sauce for steamed fish in Asian supermarkets.  I googled it, and it looked easy enough for me to make at home since I had all the ingredients.  There were a bunch of different ones, and I made my own.  For my sauce, I used:

  • 1/4 cup of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of thick sweet soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of toasted sesame oil
I mixed this and set it off to the side.  I cut a piece of parchment paper to sit on the steamer of dutch oven.  

I layered some organic lemon, ginger slices and green onion pieces.  I seasoned the cod with kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper then laid them on the parchment.  

I poured a quarter cup of avocado oil into a sauce pan.  I sliced some more scallions, and minced some garlic and ginger.  

I would add this to oil when it was smoking hot and then pour it over the steamed fish.  

This turned out fantastic.  Fish was perfectly cooked (took 20 minutes of steaming).  I kept checking after 10 minutes.  I had big thick filets though.  The hot oil smelled wonderful and added great essence to the cod.  The sauce was perfect.  I think I will be steaming fish a lot more now...

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