Sunday, June 30, 2019

Yogurt marinated Cedar Plank Cod

Had a best friend from high-school coming over for dinner and it's been over 20 years since I've seen her.  I asked her what she wanted me to make and in our brief discussions about food, she said she'd be interested in eating something from the Mediterranean diet.  I prepared this salad to eat with the cod.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Roasted Carrot and Garlic Soup with Fresh Herbs

I asked my son to buy me a 2 lb bag of organic carrots and he brought me BABY carrots - which I detest!  Last time he did this I also made a soup. It was a good day to make this, not very hot outside so the house wouldn't mind the hot oven being on...The only ingredient in these carrots, were "organic carrots", no preservatives so at least that was good.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Moroccan Carrot Salad

I saw this on "Girl Meets Farm" on Food Network on the weekend.  I guess she's calling it "Moroccan" because of the harissa paste?  I thought it looked really delish, so put it on my to-do list.  I followed the recipe as is with a couple of my own tweaks:

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Green Papaya, Watermelon Salad with Feta Cheese

I've blogged my watermelon salad recipe before and it's here.  Today I did a spin on it.  I want to remember what I did tonight, so this is why I wrote it up again.  What I made this time:

Sunday, June 9, 2019

EPIC Deep Dish Lasagna

I've always wanted my lasagna to look like this .  It took a long time for me to find a deep dish lasagna pan.  I ended up just ordering one from Amazon (4 inches deep), but I looked locally everywhere.  I also spent a long time deciding what ingredients to use.  If you've ever been to an Italian nonna's home and had their lasagna, there are no others that will ever match it...ever, just sayin'...

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Ziti with Fresh Arugula, Kale, Cherry Tomatoes & Goat Cheese

I was at home from work today limping around in pain from a bad fall, head foggy from muscle relaxants.  Rooting through the cupboards to see what I could make for dinner became my days only purpose.  This is what I came up with: