Sunday, June 30, 2019

Yogurt marinated Cedar Plank Cod

Had a best friend from high-school coming over for dinner and it's been over 20 years since I've seen her.  I asked her what she wanted me to make and in our brief discussions about food, she said she'd be interested in eating something from the Mediterranean diet.  I prepared this salad to eat with the cod.

  • 1 cup plain 1% fat yogurt
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced through press
  • 2 lemons, 1 juiced and zested, 1 cut into wedges for serving
  • 1 teaspoon "Old Bay" seasoning
  • 1/4 cup fresh Italian parsley, chopped coarsely and more for garnish
  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill, chopped finely and more for garnish
  • Fresh chives, snipped, for garnish
  • 2 lbs fresh wild pacific cod filets
  • Kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste
I started the night before by marinating the fish.  In a large Ziploc, I combined the yogurt, garlic, lemon, zest, Old Bay, parsley, dill and S&P.

I seasoned the cod with S&P and put them in the baggie.

I gave them a good massage with my fingers.  I laid this in the fridge flat and turned it over periodically throughout the night/day.  

I soaked my plank for a couple of hours.  I preheated the BBQ to medium-high.  When ready, I put the plank on and waited until one side was crackling and smoking.  I flipped it and then put the fish on top.  I closed the lid and let this go until my instant-read thermometer registered 135°F. 

I removed it to the plank serving platter and let it rest while I plated the salad.  I garnished with chives, dill & parsley.  I think chives are one of the best garnishes ever, as far as adding flavor/texture goes. 

I didn't love the yogurt marinade.  While it kept the fish very moist, I found the garlic overpowering.  I'd play with the marinade ingredients next time and definitely use less garlic.  The fish was cooked perfectly though.  The salad was delicious.  

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