Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter: "Butter Chicken" Turkey Breast

I was inspired to make this from a show I watched during the "lockdown phase" of the pandemic with Selena Gomez.  I ended up doing my own creation as I didn't have all the spices on hand that chef Aarti used and I also had a netted turkey breast.  And, I just wasn't invested in spending as much time as was done on the show, I wanted an easier way.  I bought a meat injector specifically for this experiment, bwahaha.

  • 3 lb extra-lean boneless turkey breast
  • 2 large cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 inch nub of ginger, peeled and minced
  • 1 tablespoon tandoori masala
  • 1 tablespoon organic butter chicken spice mixture
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1 teaspoon local honey
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • Fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon grapeseed oil

I started with the minced garlic and ginger, oil and pinch of salt in my mortar & pestle.  I wanted to grind it as fine as possible as this would be going into the injector with the spices, lime, honey and butter.  

After I got a paste that seemed thin enough, I combined the spices, lime and honey to it and mixed well.  It smelled and tasted amazing.  

I put the butter in and nuked it in the microwave.  I let it cool right down before injecting.  

I injected till the marinade was gone, trying to space it out evenly on the turkey as best I could on both sides.  I scraped the jar and rubbed the remaining marinade over the turkey.  

This went in the fridge overnight.  I let the turkey come to room temperature before baking.   

Preheat oven to 350°F.  I S&P'd and made a glaze for the turkey before going in the oven.  It was with jarred mango chutney, Dijon mustard and more butter chicken spice.  I brushed this over top before baking.  This went onto a rack in a roasting pan.  I poured in 2 cups of chicken stock and covered with foil for the first hour, flipping once after 30 minutes and basting.  I flipped again after the next 30 minutes, basted and removed the foil.  I cooked another 30 minutes, at 400°F until a meat thermometer said 165°F (90 minutes total).  

I let it rest, tented with foil while I finished the other dishes and made curry gravy.  I cut the netting off, sliced and served Easter dinner.  My sides were currant, bacon stuffing with Calabrian chili crisp, roasted yam with thyme and roasted zucchini with "Everything Bagel" seasoning & Grana Padano finish of cheese.  There was mango chutney in place of cranberry sauce and curry gravy as I had to have that for my stuffing and turkey... Don't mind my plating - we were hungry so I just slapped it down, lol.  

The turkey turned out juicy with a nice curry flavor permeating it.  No complaints.  I really liked injecting and will use it regularly so it ended up being a worthy purchase.  Happy Easter!  🥚🐰🥚🐇

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