Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Falafel Pitas with Homemade Hummus

I didn't make the falafels (vegan), another time, perhaps.  I didn't make the Tzatziki either.  I picked up both of these items at Costco.  I bought whole wheat pitas as well.  I mixed up some thinly sliced red onion, halved grape tomatoes and finely chopped parsley.  I mixed it with some extra virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar and S&P.  I let this sit in the fridge.  For the hummus, I just used a really basic recipe.

Ingredients were simple, I tweaked mine from the recipe:

  • 1 (19-ounce) can chickpeas, rinsed well
  • 5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil and for garnish
  • 3 tablespoons tahini (this stuff is hard to stir!)
  • 1 lemon, juice squeezed
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper
  • 1 teaspoon harissa paste (for a little kick)
  • Sweet Hungarian paprika, for garnish

  • I just put this all in the food processor and whirred it until it was smooth.

    I had to scrape down the sides a few times and add a bit more oil as it was quite thick at first.  I used a spatula to move it into a bowl.  I made a hole in the middle and drizzled more olive oil, then sprinkled paprika.

    I covered and put into the fridge for a couple of hours so the flavors could meld.  I did the veggie slicing next.

    I did some cucumber for myself too (halved and seeded), as my son is not a fan of it.  I would stuff his pita with a little mixed greens instead.  I wasn't sure how to heat the falafels.  I recycled all the packaging before I read it.  I've been sampling them cold since I bought them - go to the fridge, take one out, put some tzatziki on it and snarf it down.  Snack craving satisfied.

    So, I just used a non-stick fry pan, heated medium-low with some "Pam" sprayed in.  3 falafels per pita pocket half.  I heated them through, which took about 5 minutes per side.  I actually like them cold but they did taste better heated - they even got crispy!

    I sliced the pitas in half and then went about assembly.  My son got hummus, fresh sliced avocado, organic spring mix salad greens and the tomato/onion mixture for his stuffing.

    For mine, I put tzatziki on one side and hummus on the other.  I slipped some cucumbers in on the tzatziki side.  I put 3 falafels on top of that.  I put the onion/tomato mixture in on top of that.  All done.

    I seriously enjoyed this easy dinner.  No, the falafel wasn't as good as freshly homemade & deep fried but I wasn't expecting it to be.   Everything went well together and tasted harmonious though I would have liked more garlic in the hummus and I think the harissa could have shined through more too.  The tahini sure did (a tad too much, methinks), that's for sure.  I missed creating a good balance in the hummus.  Maybe it will be better tomorrow or maybe I just need more practice?  This was my first time making it.  At least the onions/tomato did their job!  Snappy, sweetish, tart and crunchy - loved the vinegar.  You could put anything you like in the pitas pretty much... It was super filling too!  I have half left for lunch tomorrow.  My son's plate was empty so your mileage may vary.

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