Saturday, December 9, 2017

PB&J Cereal French Toast

I saw this on "The Chew" and thought I'd try it out for my son.  I was only making one sandwich so obviously had to cut my ingredients down from the recipe.  I was going to put a banana in it too but alas, I forgot to buy it when I was at the grocery store.  I used:

  • Peanut butter
  • Strawberry jam
  • 2 slices whole wheat Wonder bread
  • 1 small egg
  • 1 tablespoon milk 
  • Dash of ground cinnamon
  • Dash of nutmeg
  • Dash of kosher salt 
  • 1 cup "Frosted Flakes" (crushed)
  • 1 tablespoons unsalted butter 
It was pretty easy to put together.

I crushed the cornflakes in a baggie with a meat mallet then put them onto a plate.

I made a PB&J sandwich.

I whisked the egg, milk and seasonings and then dipped the sandwich in the mixture, coating both sides.

I coated it in the cornflakes and heated the stove burner to medium.  I melted the butter and put the sandwich in.

When golden brown, I flipped it and did the same to the other side.  I served with some warm maple syrup and little squirts of whip cream.  I put a little sprinkle of nutmeg over top.

I served with a glass of milk.  Son said it was like a crispy fried PB&J sandwich.  Sweet but very tasty.  He enjoyed it.

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