Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Christine's Waldorf Salad with Pecans

This is another dish that popped into my head a while ago and I've been thinking about it on repeat.  As a young girl, I actually dreamed of one day having this salad at the famous Waldorf Astoria in NYC.  Anyway, luckily it's on the healthy side so there was no guilt involved while putting it together tonight.  What I used:
  • 2 cups of seedless red grapes, washed well and halved
  • 2 "pink lady" apples, cored, sliced and cut into 1/2 inch pieces
  • 3 stalks of celery, sliced
  • 1 lemon, zested and juiced
  • 1 cup of  pecans, toasted
  • 1/2 cup 0% fat Greek yogurt
  • 1 heaping tablespoon half fat mayonnaise
  • Scant tablespoon organic honey (modest squirt)
  • 1/4 cup currants
  • 2 cups organic baby spinach (I would have used arugula but I had this in the fridge and needed to start using it up)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Shichimi Togarashi  (red chili pepper, orange peel, sesame seeds, Japanese pepper, ginger, seaweed)
  • Fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt, to taste

I toasted the pecans in a non-stick skillet over medium heat (about 5 minutes of constant shaking).  When done, I immediately poured them out of the pan into a bowl and set them aside to cool.

I mixed the yogurt, mayo, honey, S&P, togarashi and half the lemon juice together with a whisk in large bowl.

I chopped the remaining ingredients that needed it, finishing with the apples last.  I used the remaining lemon juice to toss the apples with.  The nuts were the final thing I added before mixing.

Everything but the spinach went into the bowl with the dressing.  I combined until all ingredients were coated with the dressing.  I laid a bed of spinach on a plate and then spooned the salad over.  If you added chicken, it would make a complete meal.  I had baked lean, boneless loin pork chops that I served with it.  If I had fresh parsley in the house, I would have used some of that in it and for garnish.

The salad met all texture and taste requirements I like.  Crunchy, crisp, sweet, nutty, slightly salty, zingy, spicy and creamy.  Very tasty, very satisfying... Pecans for the win!

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