Saturday, July 27, 2019

Instant Pot: Dal Makhani

I found this recipe and as soon as I did, I knew I would make it.  I've been on "Dal" kick these days.  My co-worker makes it and occasionally brings me some.  It's very good at times.  I've also been ordering it every time I go out for Indian food lately.
I'm going to leave the ingredient measures to her recipe in the link above.  I'll just show you what I did.

I soaked my whole mung beans (1/2 cup) and green lentils (1/2 cup) overnight.  I drained them when I was ready to make dinner and gave them one more rinse.

Below is:  2 beefsteak tomatoes, ginger, garlic, 1 Walla Walla onion and a bay leaf.  It was funny, I watched her video on this recipe and thought, "my goodness - where did she get a big bay leaf like that???".  Then when I was shopping, I saw the Indian bay leaves were much bigger than the ones I buy, so I picked up a package.

Below are the spices.  On the left was garam masala, turmeric, cayenne (I used a teaspoon), fresh cracked pepper and kosher salt.  On the right was cumin seeds.

I set the instant pot to saute and put a couple of swirls of avocado oil in.  I toasted the cumin seeds and when fragrant added in the onion and bay leaf.  It smelled heavenly.  When soft and browning I added in the spices, garlic and ginger and stir-fried a a couple of minutes.  Now the smell was intoxicating.  Mmmmm.

The tomatoes went in next and I waited till they were broken down.

Finally the mung beans/lentils and water went in.  I stirred to combine then hit cancel.  I put the lid on and sealed it and the vent.  I hit "manual" and set timer for 30 minutes.   I did a natural release when the timer went off, which means I just left it until the pin dropped.  This took about a half hour.  I discarded the bay leaf.  The last thing to do was to mix in some  ghee, to taste.  I used about a quarter cup.

I tasted and seasoned with more kosher salt.  I served with warmed whole wheat roti.  I garnished with cilantro and a dollop of plain 13% m.f. yogurt.

I loved it.  I don't have anything to compare it to, but it felt so comforting and tasted delicious.  The seasoning was good - had a kick of heat.  This will be going into rotation in my house - especially in cooler weather.  Filing it under healthy comfort food.

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