Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Pizza Pasta (Spaghetti Frittata)

Another frittata so soon after making one last week.  It came to mind with my leftovers and I've always thought it sounded interesting.   We had a wonderful spicy spag dinner with ground pork and hot Italian sausage meat sauce last night.  It was this or grilled cheese spaghetti sandwiches for brunch today.

  • Leftover spaghettini and meat sauce, mixed together
  • 1 cup of mozzarella cheese, grated
  • 2 large free range eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 cup of 2% milk
  • Extra-virgin olive oil, as needed
  • Fresh Italian parsley, coarsely chopped for garnish

In a non-stick skillet I heated oil over med-high heat.  I beat the eggs with the milk and combined all of the above ingredients (sans parsley) in a large bowl until mixed well.

I poured this into the pan and cooked.  The little pan was full and this took awhile, about a half hour for the first side as it was also really saucy.  Because of that I ended up switching to the broiler on high but used the middle oven rack.

When first side browned I inverted it to a plate and then flipped sides and slid it back in.  I browned the other side.

I sliced, served and garnished it with the parsley.

This was delicious, mainly because the sauce was so good.

To make a real frittata with it though, it needed more eggs, but I didn't want more eggs in it, so it suited us fine the way it was.  It also was a little too saucy to crisp correctly and maybe having the cheese in there didn't help either?  Regardless, it was nice way to eat leftovers.

Alas, there's more leftovers now...

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