Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Oreo Crust Ice Cream Cake

I had an unopened bag of Oreo cookies.  As it was son's birthday coming up, I decided to use them to make an ice cream cake.  I knew the Oreo crust was ridiculously easy to make.    

  • 303 gram bag of of Oreo cookies
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted in microwave

I put the cookies in the food processor and let them go until they were a fine crumble.  

I reserved a half cup of cookies for the top of the cake.  I nuked the butter and let it cool.  Then I mixed this together with a spatula until well combined.  I used cooking spray on a 7.5" springform pan.  

I pressed the crust into the pan.  Tasting it, wow - Oreo cookies are Super Sweet.  To me, blech, but kind of addicting also...

I put this in the freezer while I went about getting the filling ready.  I took the ice cream out of the freezer to get softer so I could spread it.  Took about 20 minutes today (it will depend on the temp of your house/ice cream so just watch it until it's spreadable).

  • About 1/2 a 500 ml "Haagen-Dazs" Chocolate Ice Cream
  • About 1/2 a 500 ml "Haagen-Dazs" Vanilla Ice Cream
  • 1 cup of fresh walnuts, crushed slightly in Ziploc with mallet then toasted
  • 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • Rainbow Sprinkles, as needed
  • Chocolate sauce, drizzled as needed
  • Caramel sauce, drizzled as needed

I toasted walnuts in a non-stick skillet and let them cool.  

I started with a layer of chocolate ice cream and went up almost 1/2 way using an offset spatula to spread it.  While I was doing that, the spring broke open and I had to hold it with a clip and it was a mess.  It would not clip the bottom properly.  Ugh, figures...  

Then I sprinkled on the walnuts, chocolate chips, chocolate sauce (I made this and it was thick and gloopy and I didn't care at this point) and caramel sauce.  I finished with vanilla ice cream and dusted the top with the cookie crumbs, remaining walnuts and rainbow sprinkles.  I put this in the freezer to set for dessert later that evening.  

I took it out 15 minutes early and took the ring off.  I heated a large sharp chef's knife with hot water to slice it.  Did the candle thingy and served singing a very poor rendition of the "Happy Birthday" song...  😞

There wasn't anything "not" to like about the cake.  My millennial was a happy camper.  

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