Saturday, May 7, 2022

Crispy Duck Breast

This is only my 2nd time making duck breast as frankly, it intimidates me.  The first time it was nearly perfect except that I forgot to flip the skin side down when going in the oven and the fat didn't render as well as it could have.  It was absolutely delicious though.  I followed this really short video by Gordon Ramsay.  

  • 225 grams each x 2 "Brome Lake" boneless duck breast (from Costco)
  • Kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste

This duck from Quebec is raised without the use of antibiotics or added hormones.  I patted the breasts dry with paper towel.  I sharpened my paring knife and lightly scored the fat in diamonds.  You don't want to cut through to the meat.  I seasoned generously with S&P.

I started in a skillet that can go into the oven which was preheated to 400°F.  The skillet was cold and I placed the duck skin side down in it.  

I turned the heat on to med-high.  When the fat started to render nicely I flipped it over and seared the bottom, draining the fat off into a ramekin.  I flipped it skin side down again (which I forgot to do last time) and then put it in the oven for about 15 minutes.  I took it out at 130°F and let them rest for 10 minutes.  I drained the fat again (keep that fat for roasting potatoes!) and moved them to plates.  

I tried to slice on a slight bias.  I served with Szechuan green beans, a wild rice blend and orange/cherry sauce which I doctored with some honey & balsamic vinegar.  My orange sauce was nefandous last time so I hoped it was better tonight!

The fat still could have been rendered better ☹ but the duck was divine tasting.  The fat not being completely rendered made that part of the skin chewy.  I have to admit, that chewy bite was my favorite part.  My son didn't even use the sauce, said the duck didn't need it and was fine on its own.  Next time I'll try a different method to obtain the crispy skin so the fat is ALL melted down and out.  Back to the drawing board... When I do achieve that, it will be out of this world sublime.  

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