Monday, February 12, 2018

Salted Dark Chocolate Tart

This tart looked easy to make, and my son is really into "salted chocolate",  especially dark chocolate.  So I thought I could surprise him with a rare after dinner dessert.  It's "Family Day" here in British Columbia, so this is a stat holiday and I made this in celebration of my family - which is my son.  💕 I also took him out for "dim sum" for brunch, as it is a splurge that rarely happens anymore with our work schedules.  I liked that this had no dairy and used almonds for the crust - healthier and gluten-free.  My pictures will never be close to the ones in the recipe.  Hers are always amazing.  Her recipes are great in the ones I've tried so far too.  Anyway, my "point and click" cheapo camera will never be in the same league as those shots!  I don't do this for a living though either...

I used whole almonds for the crust as I still had a huge bag leftover from Christmas, and ground them in the food processor.  I used 5 bars of Godiva and Lindt, 70% & 90% Cacao, which used up some Christmas leftovers. I used Maldon for the sea salt.

Below is before I baked the crust.

For the coconut milk, I heated mine in the nuker.

I poured the chocolate (just a little handful too!) into the milk and that was so dumb, as it overflowed and fizzed over the sides.  Follow what she said and pour the milk over...I was worried I wouldn't have enough milk, but it seemed to work out okay.

I served it after it was cold, and the sprinkled the salt on.  I finally got to show a couple of pretty pictures, below.  It turned out really well and not too sweet at all.  Rich, luscious, and the salt on top was the winner.  My son loved it.

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